King Eider male |
Spectacled Eider male |
Steller's Eider male |
American Golden Plover male |
Arctic Lousewort |
Snowy Owl male in tundra heat waves |
Pacific Loon profile |
Long-tailed Duck male in flight |
Red-throated Loon stretching |
Greater White-fronted Goose female on nest |
Red-throated Loon in flight |
Western Sandpiper alternate plumage |
Steller's Eider male preening |
Long-tailed Duck male head shot |
Red Phalarope female alternate plumage |
American Golden Plover male broken wing display |
King Eider male head shot |
Red-throated Loon pair |
Snow Bunting male singing in the snow |
Greater Scaup male in flight |
Pectoral Sandpiper and Arctic Lousewort |
King Eiders copulating |
Pomarine Jaeger in flight over tundra |
Red Phalarope male in alternate plumage |
Hoary Redpoll female with Alaska Poppy |
Red-throated Loon adult head shot |
Long-billed Dowitcher on tundra |