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Luna Moth

Luna Moth

Black Witch Moth

Black Witch Moth

Blinded Sphinx Moth

Blinded Sphinx Moth

Elegant Grass-veneer Moth

Elegant Grass-veneer Moth

White-lined Sphinx Moth

White-lined Sphinx Moth

Rufous-banded Crambid Moth

Rufous-banded Crambid Moth

Pink-spotted Hawk Moth

Pink-spotted Hawk Moth

Io Moth

Io Moth

Five-spotted Hawk Moth

Five-spotted Hawk Moth

Diamondback Moth

Diamondback Moth

Michaelophorus indentatus

Michaelophorus indentatus

Belted Grass-veneer Moth

Belted Grass-veneer Moth

Eyed Tiger Moth

Eyed Tiger Moth

Drepanulatrix bifilata

Drepanulatrix bifilata

Palm Flower Moth

Palm Flower Moth

Neoterpes ephelidaria

Neoterpes ephelidaria

Rosy Maple Moth

Rosy Maple Moth

Lappet Moth

Lappet Moth

Clavipes Sphinx Moth

Clavipes Sphinx Moth

Snowberry Clearwing Moth

Snowberry Clearwing Moth

Hummingbird Clearwing Moth

Hummingbird Clearwing Moth

Meleneta antennata

Meleneta antennata

Bilobed Looper Moth

Bilobed Looper Moth

Spear-marked Black Moth

Spear-marked Black Moth

One-eyed Sphinx Moth

One-eyed Sphinx Moth

Cecrops Eyed Silkmoth

Cecrops Eyed Silkmoth

Hubbard's Small Silkmoth

Hubbard's Small Silkmoth

Gazoryctra wielgusi

Gazoryctra wielgusi

Tiger Moth

Tiger Moth

Coffee-loving Pyrausta Moth

Coffee-loving Pyrausta Moth

Oslar's Imperial Moth

Oslar's Imperial Moth, rufous variant

Achemon Sphinx Moth

Achemon Sphinx Moth

Oslar's Imperial Moth

Oslar's Imperial Moth, yellow variant

Splendid Royal Moth

Splendid Royal Moth

Western Poplar Sphinx Moth

Western Poplar Sphinx Moth

Calleta Silkworm Moth

Calleta Silkworm Moth

Gerrodes minatea

Gerrodes minatea

Florida Eutelia Moth

Florida Eutelia Moth

Desdemona Underwing Moth

Desdemona Underwing Moth

Veined Ctenucha Moth

Veined Ctenucha Moth

Dark Marathyssa Moth

Dark Marathyssa Moth

Gnamptonychia ventralis

Gnamptonychia ventralis

Zigzag Furcula Moth

Zigzag Furcula Moth

Grote's Bertholdia Moth

Grote's Bertholdia Moth

Pale Beauty Moth

Pale Beauty Moth

Nemoria caerulescens

Nemoria caerulescens

Phoenicoprocta hampsonii

Phoenicoprocta hampsonii

Euclea incisa

Euclea incisa

Purslane Moth

Purslane Moth

White Edge Moth

White Edge Moth

Mesquite Stinger Moth

Mesquite Stinger Moth

Pseudohemihyalea ambigua

Pseudohemihyalea ambigua

Willow Sphinx Moth

Willow Sphinx Moth

Heliocheilus julia

Heliocheilus julia

Stamnodes formosata

Stamnodes formosata

Emarginea dulcinea

Emarginea dulcinea

Schinia walsinghami

Schinia walsinghami

Eulithosia plesioglauca

Eulithosia plesioglauca

Pseudhapigia brunnea

Pseudhapigia brunnea

Megalopyge bissesa

Megalopyge bissesa

Apatelodes pudefacta

Apatelodes pudefacta

Edwards' Glassy-wing Moth

Edwards' Glassy-wing Moth

Four-spotted Palpita Moth

Four-spotted Palpita Moth

Paramiana marina

Paramiana marina

Oidaematophorus grisescens

Oidaematophorus grisescens

Filbertworm Moth

Filbertworm Moth

Sicya morsicaria

Sicya morsicaria

Raspberry Pyrausta Moth

Raspberry Pyrausta Moth

Hemileuca electra

Hemileuca electra

The Nutmeg Moth

The Nutmeg Moth

Drasteria pallescens

Drasteria pallescens

Apocrisias thaumasta

Apocrisias thaumasta

Chloronycta tybo

Chloronycta tybo

Neoterpes graefiaria

Neoterpes graefiaria

The Pink Streak Moth

The Pink Streak Moth

Ailanthus Webworm Moth

Ailanthus Webworm Moth

Panopoda rigida

Panopoda rigida

Angel Lichen Moth

Angel Lichen Moth

Black-waved Flannel Moth

Black-waved Flannel Moth

Betrothed Underwing Moth

Betrothed Underwing Moth

Tulip-tree Beauty

Tulip-tree Beauty

White-spotted Diurnal Moth

White-spotted Black Diurnal Moth

Yellow-necked Caterpillar Moth

Yellow-necked Caterpillar Moth

Lycomorpha fulgens

Lycomorpha fulgens

Maple Spanworm

Maple Spanworm

Io Moth

Io Moth

Texas Wasp Moth

Texas Wasp Moth

Orange-spotted Flower Moth

Orange-spotted Flower Moth

Schaus's Tussock Moth caterpillar, Texas

Schaus's Tussock Moth

Blush Conchylodes Moth

Blush Conchylodes Moth


Ornate Bella Moth

Ornate Bella Moth

Withered Mocis Moth

Withered Mocis Moth


Polygrammodes baeuscalis

Polygrammodes baeuscalis

Sigmoid Prominent Moth

Sigmoid Prominent Moth

Hadena lafontainei

Hadena lafontainei

Salt-and-Pepper Looper Moth

Salt-and-Pepper Looper Moth

Stamnodes deceptiva

Stamnodes deceptiva

Ptychoglene coccinea

Ptychoglene coccinea

Arid Eudesmia Moth

Arid Eudesmia Moth

Forsebia Moth

Forsebia Moth

Glover's Silkmoth

Glover's Silkmoth


Thurberia Bollworm Moth

Thurberia Bollworm Moth

White-lined Sphinx Moth caterpillar

White-lined Sphinx Moth

Apantesis incorrupta

Apantesis incorrupta

Western Tent Caterpillar Moth

Western Tent Caterpillar Moth

Stiria intermixta

Stiria intermixta

Orange Beggar Moth

Orange Beggar Moth

Plagiomimicus aureolum

Sphingicampa blanchardi

Sphingicampa blanchardi

White-spotted Black Diurnal Moth

White-spotted Black Diurnal Moth

Sheppard's Plume Moth

Sheppard's Plume Moth

Eight-barred Conchylodes Moth

Eight-barred Conchylodes Moth

Cucullia dorsalis

Cucullia dorsalis

Sesame Leafroller

Sesame Leafroller

Drasteria howlandii

Drasteria howlandii

Choristostigma roseopenalis

Choristostigma roseopenalis

Dichorda consequaria

Dichorda consequaria

Arcobara multilineata

Arcobara multilineata

Oxycilla tripla, Arizona--8660

Oxycilla tripla

Schinia argentifascia

Schinia argentifascia

Furcula nivea

Furcula nivea

Litodanta hydromeli

Litodanta hydromeli

Pyrausta pseudonythesalis

Fall Webworm Moth

Fall Webworm Moth

Spotted Tussock Moth

Spotted Tussock Moth

Tarache apela

Tarache apela

Clover Haywworm

Clover Hayworm

Royal Poinciana Moth

Royal Poinciana Moth

smSpotted Datana Moth, Arizona--1630

Spotted Datana Moth

Micrathetis costilaga

Micrathetis costilaga

Juniper Budworm Moth

Juniper Budworm Moth

Eulithosia composita

Eulithosia composita

Dicogaster coronada--1189

Dicogaster coronada

Green Broomweed Looper

Green Broomweed Looper

Gloveria arizonensis

Gloveria arizonensis