Luna Moth |
Black Witch Moth |
Blinded Sphinx Moth |
Elegant Grass-veneer Moth |
White-lined Sphinx Moth |
Rufous-banded Crambid Moth |
Pink-spotted Hawk Moth |
Io Moth |
Five-spotted Hawk Moth |
Diamondback Moth |
Michaelophorus indentatus |
Belted Grass-veneer Moth |
Eyed Tiger Moth |
Drepanulatrix bifilata |
Palm Flower Moth |
Neoterpes ephelidaria |
Rosy Maple Moth |
Lappet Moth |
Clavipes Sphinx Moth |
Snowberry Clearwing Moth |
Hummingbird Clearwing Moth |
Meleneta antennata |
Bilobed Looper Moth |
Spear-marked Black Moth |
One-eyed Sphinx Moth |
Cecrops Eyed Silkmoth |
Hubbard's Small Silkmoth |
Tiger Moth |
Coffee-loving Pyrausta Moth |
Oslar's Imperial Moth, rufous variant |
Achemon Sphinx Moth |
Oslar's Imperial Moth, yellow variant |
Splendid Royal Moth |
Western Poplar Sphinx Moth |
Calleta Silkworm Moth |
Gerrodes minatea |
Florida Eutelia Moth |
Desdemona Underwing Moth |
Veined Ctenucha Moth |
Dark Marathyssa Moth |
Gnamptonychia ventralis |
Zigzag Furcula Moth |
Grote's Bertholdia Moth |
Pale Beauty Moth |
Nemoria caerulescens |
Phoenicoprocta hampsonii |
Euclea incisa |
Purslane Moth |
White Edge Moth |
Mesquite Stinger Moth |
Pseudohemihyalea ambigua |
Willow Sphinx Moth |
Heliocheilus julia |
Stamnodes formosata |
Emarginea dulcinea |
Schinia walsinghami |
Eulithosia plesioglauca |
Pseudhapigia brunnea |
Megalopyge bissesa |
Apatelodes pudefacta |
Edwards' Glassy-wing Moth |
Four-spotted Palpita Moth |
Paramiana marina |
Oidaematophorus grisescens |
Filbertworm Moth |
Sicya morsicaria |
Raspberry Pyrausta Moth |
Hemileuca electra |
The Nutmeg Moth |
Drasteria pallescens |
Apocrisias thaumasta |
Chloronycta tybo |
Neoterpes graefiaria |
The Pink Streak Moth |
Ailanthus Webworm Moth |
Panopoda rigida |
Angel Lichen Moth |
Black-waved Flannel Moth |
Betrothed Underwing Moth |
Tulip-tree Beauty |
White-spotted Black Diurnal Moth |
Yellow-necked Caterpillar Moth |
Lycomorpha fulgens |
Maple Spanworm |
Io Moth |
Texas Wasp Moth |
Orange-spotted Flower Moth |
Schaus's Tussock Moth |
Blush Conchylodes Moth |
Ornate Bella Moth |
Withered Mocis Moth |
Polygrammodes baeuscalis |
Sigmoid Prominent Moth |
Hadena lafontainei |
Salt-and-Pepper Looper Moth |
Stamnodes deceptiva |
Ptychoglene coccinea |
Arid Eudesmia Moth |
Forsebia Moth |
Glover's Silkmoth
Thurberia Bollworm Moth |
White-lined Sphinx Moth |
Apantesis incorrupta |
Western Tent Caterpillar Moth |
Stiria intermixta |
Orange Beggar Moth |
Plagiomimicus aureolum |
Sphingicampa blanchardi |
White-spotted Black Diurnal Moth |
Sheppard's Plume Moth |
Eight-barred Conchylodes Moth |
Cucullia dorsalis |
Sesame Leafroller |
Drasteria howlandii |
Choristostigma roseopenalis |
Dichorda consequaria |
Arcobara multilineata |
Oxycilla tripla |
Schinia argentifascia |
Furcula nivea |
Litodanta hydromeli |
Pyrausta pseudonythesalis |
Fall Webworm Moth |
Spotted Tussock Moth |
Tarache apela |
Clover Hayworm |
Spotted Datana Moth |
Micrathetis costilaga |
Juniper Budworm Moth |
Eulithosia composita |
Dicogaster coronada |
Green Broomweed Looper |
Gloveria arizonensis |